Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Can you hear me now?...


I am in a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) this semester to study the OT (Old Testament). Let's be real here. I just had to Google "MOOC" again, because I couldn't remember what the letters stood for.  Hey, at least I remember what OT stands for! 

This course is open to anyone in the world who wants to learn more about the OT. 

Join me for the next 13 weeks of learning about the OT!  This is also an experience for me learn more about Twitter, MOOC-ing (um... can I make a verb out of that? I do have a Masters of English Education degree, which I have previously touted to former students as my "golden ticket" to coining whatever I want to!), and being more adamant about blogging.  I have had a couple blogs for several years and am really good at changing the backgrounds and themes not so good about actually writing on them. 

Here's to 13 weeks of learning fun... please don't point and laugh at my attempts to Tweet and blog (to my face anyhow... turn your computer camera off, please, before doing so!)




  1. I had no idea what MOOC meant! Thanks! I'm really looking forward to this, although I'm a bit nervous about the blogging thing!

  2. So good to read your post, Melissa. Sounds like we are in a similar boat!
    I think we will all learn together as we go :)


  3. I'm the TA, and I'm totally nervous about live-tweeting! I don't understand how people can pay attention to something and type at the same time. Too much multi-tasking for me.
